Essays302 words
Computer is probably the greatest invention in the last hundred years. The impact that it has created on our lives is tremendous. It affects so many areas of our daily routine like no other single invention has ever managed to accomplish. We are becoming more and more dependent on the computer with the passage of…
Essays252 words
Getting to know people from all over the world and sending them instant messages is no longer a dream. It has become a part of our daily routine since computer-based communication programmes were invented. However, people are starting to doubt that this dream was worth fulfilling.
Essays248 words
Language is one of the most complex entities known to people. We make use of a variety of languages around the world. Each person is even born with a mother tongue. Yet, we have not been able to completely understand the workings of a language. That is because language is not a manmade entity. Human…
Research Papers279 words
Over the few past decades computers have become an integral part of our lives. They are in charge of a multitude of tasks of varying complexity from executing mathematical calculations to education and entertainment. However, it is high time to take stock of their effects on the society and decide whether to set them on…
Speeches294 words
The more elaborate and violent video games are getting, the more often can you hear an opinion that playing them is detrimental to the teenagers’ mental health and makes them more aggressive in real life. In fact, this suggestion is far-fetched and does not hold water, as there is no evidence to support it.
Speeches303 words
Windows is known to be a traditional operating system due to its simplicity and popularity among average users. But nowadays more and more people, working with PCs, tend to turn to Linux operating system. So, let us consider major pros and cons of the two systems for us to be able to make a choice.
Research Papers308 words
In every generation and in every century there always exist a number of people, who are afraid of everything that is related to possible changes. In various epochs they are called differently: luddites, anti-globalists, ecologists and so on; but their nature is always the same. They hate progress and strive to preserve the status quo…