There’s so much to learn about the world around us, it can be easy to get greedy for knowledge. Between the things we need to know for work or school, deepening our leisure interests, and keeping up with current affairs, our brains have an awful lot to work through – and ever more inventive sources of distraction. Who of us wasn't tempted to check their Instagram or Facebook after reading just a small 8 page/s or 10 page/s section of a textbook? How many times you've caught yourself thinking something like "First I'll watch the new GoT episode. And then, in 2 hours, I'll write essay extra fast to meet tomorrow's deadline"? Yeah, been there, done that, regretted this.
So when the moment comes that you need to smarten up on a particular topic in a short time – be it for a test, a meeting, or maybe you just need to write a research paper faster – naturally, you’ll require some streamlined methods to separate the signal from the noise.
The key thing you need to learn is: if there’s no deadline – don’t rush. Research has shown that spreading out the learning process over several sessions improves the learning process. To some extent, the longer you take to learn a topic, the longer it’ll stay in your head. Hence, don't try to gallop over a 20 page/s of quantum physics topic in 1 hour – that'll be nothing good; you'd better approach it several times in one day taking breaks and changing activities.
And your head is not the only thing you need to think about. Your body is a complex machine, and the brain is just one organ of many: to keep it relaxed, healthy and malleable, you need to look after your physical welfare. Yoga, for example, is a great aid to learning. Whether it’s due to increased mindfulness, the calm brought about by a good session, or a healthier body, the ancient practice comes highly recommended for active learners.
The brain is a popular topic among researchers, and learning about how to learn can seem a Herculean effort in itself. Thankfully, much of the hard work of these researchers has been distilled into this handy new infographic, which runs through 25 of the most effective ways to set your mind and body to the task of absorbing new information. Be sure to pin it to your desktop, and figure out the handful of tips that will help you the most. With a little preparation and some solid application, you can soon get your brain in shape to learn the facts you need.
However, in case the ability to learn quickly doesn't guarantee that you'll unveil a mystery of how to write a paper faster. Fortunately, there's an ever-working solution to this issue: turn to a reliable professional writing service. authors can deliver a perfectly crafted 5-page paper overnight or even in 3 hours! So how about you place an order, leave the writing to experts and do your learning part in the meantime? Yeah, that's how you become a fast learner!
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