Research Papers281 words
The world of John Donne is the world of love, not limited by the single variety of feeling and unchanging picture of love. When we talk about the love poetry of John Donne, we recall his poems from Songs and Sonnets, full of emotions and attitudes. What makes Donne’s poems a masterpiece? Probably, the secret…
Research Papers281 words
The purpose of this research paper is to analyze on practical examination and observation the behavioural patterns of children in a situation, which is unusual for them, and find a parallel with the adult action lines in the same circumstances. Situations will be simulated, but intend to repeat and reflect real life examples.
Research Papers223 words
Once in a while all of us have to face the necessity to go to several companies and choose the most optimal solution for different types of insurance. Whether we are talking about health, life or car insurance, the market is full of offers and it is a matter of our individual preference to identify…
Research Papers258 words
Snowboarding is a relatively new winter sport, at least in comparison to skiing that has evolved from the activity done by northern peoples for thousands of years. It, however, grows even more popular and is very likely to become more wide-spread than its natural predecessor, skiing. Nevertheless, it is somewhat less accessible, for in order…
Research Papers271 words
This research paper will focus on the analysis and comparison of the education level and effectiveness of particular educational systems on the college level. The scale of the analysis is based on comparison of college education systems in the following countries: UK, USA and Germany.
Research Papers294 words
Human being is built in such a way that he or she continuously analyzes his feelings, emotions and reactions to external factors. With this statement in mind, we could conclude that all the individuals are to some extent psychologists of their own mind. No one can affect our behaviour and mental processes, but our own…
Research Papers236 words
It is not a secret that obesity is becoming more and more important problem in the modern society. We can evidence numerous cases of obesity among different age levels in the US. One of the possible reasons is the wide-spread chain of fast food restaurants and fast food mentality developed in new generations due to…
Research Papers303 words
This research paper is the outline of the possible research strategy on the purchase analysis for a car in the United Kingdom. This paper will share the research example that drove the customer to the decision to change the purchase of the car to the motorbike. The purchase is intended to serve the needs of…
Research Papers258 words
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of the growing video games popularity on the teenagers. A lot of discussions are going on around these questions and there is a great variety of opinions on positive and negative effects of computer video games on the behaviour, education and life style of teenage…
Research Papers312 words
Business relationships have gone through a process of transformation and re-evaluation of the main concepts during the last decade mainly due to the fact that supply and demand sensitivity became more alerting for the firms to remain competitive on the market. Together with the growth of competition for almost all types of products and FMCG…