Essays277 words
The concept of wealth can mean different things to different people. For some people, it is having a nice home to live in, a comfortable car to drive around town, a sufficient bank balance to meet all expenses, and more than enough money to see through life after retirement. For others, it is living in…
Essays277 words
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was a world-famous Austrian composer. He was a prominent representative of the Viennese classical school, a musician of universal talent that became apparent in his early childhood. In Mozart’s music the ideas of German Enlightenment are reflected. He managed to embody the artistic experience of various national schools and traditions. Mozart…
Essays282 words
All the people know the melody of the Mendelssohn’s wedding march. What a thrilling moment for the bride and the groom, when its sound is in the air! Every girl from the early years dreams about it, imaging her dress and hair-do, flowers and shining smiles around, and her “Prince Charming” , of course –…
Essays280 words
Sooner or later everyone wants to find an answer what he or she lives for. The majority of us is trying to understand the meaning of human life. During thousands of years the mankind tried to answer the question, what the meaning of life is and what life itself is – pleasure or suffering.
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Essays260 words
Since 1980s the global competition is becoming very important for the world and national economics’ development. It begins to have a decisive influence on the strategic planning and management not only in the largest transnational corporations, but also in companies that have traditionally relied upon the national market. Companies are involved in the processes taking…
Essays293 words
Religion is an integral part of the life of modern society. It is closely related to the social, economic and political areas of people’s lives. Many sociologists have been studying this area for a long time. The main reason of such a huge interest is the great influence the religion has on the main functions…
Essays284 words
Although we live in the XXI century and it seems like millions of people are around, we can suddenly become stricken with a sharp pain of loneliness. But it is important to understand the difference between so close notions as “loneliness” and “being alone”. To be alone means to have no company at the moment,…
Essays237 words
Guess, what unites McDonald’s French Fry, soybean and tomato? The answer is not at all pleasing and predictable. The point is that they are representatives of the food which is often genetically modified and then sold in the supermarkets. The process of genetic modifying lies in the fact, that scientists take genetic information from the…
Essays251 words
Canada is an amazing country and it would be not fair to talk only about such ordinary and boring aspects like economic development, mining industry or political system – the things which would never attract neither you, nor any other curious person. It will be much better to dedicate this essay to the “Do you…
Essays297 words
The reason why the system of conscription (or “draft”, as it is commonly referred to in the United States) is inferior to that of volunteer or professional army is simply an economical one. It is the old and irrevocable law of economics, stating that the less you have to pay for something, the less you…