Essays324 words
A lot of feministic organization and their female fans still deeply believe the fact, that women are discriminated and not given high level positions only because of their female sex. Is it really so?
Essays273 words
Apparently, mass media cannot become less attractive to the modern society. The images and impressions it bears have already received the status of forth ruling force together with legislation, judiciary and executive power. The media images of teenage drug use, therefore, provide huge negative influence over immature minds of young blood, creating sick and pervasive…
Essays327 words
Animal testing stands for using animals in different scientific experiments, mostly related to medicine, pharmaceutical and beauty industry. Some animals are purpose-bred, so from the very beginning their life is meant to finish in the laboratory, others are caught in the wild or bought from the auctions. Almost 100% of the animals, taking part in…
Essays292 words
Over the past 10 years information technology has become part and parcel of the majority of working practices all over the world. At present if a particular company experiences difficulties with the Internet connection or their computer system, it brings their working process to a standstill. It is high time we took stock of the…
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Essays320 words
Nowadays, when our world is constantly developing in the area of economics, in every field there’s a strong growing need in experienced and talented people who will be able to make significant contribution in the economy of the country’s life. Thus, it is important to say that education plays a significant role in the development…
Essays240 words
There is no better opportunity to obtain education, study new language, mix up with people and even learn more about yourself, than to study abroad. The options here are diverse and numerous. You may choose a college or university almost in any country of the world for a year long period, one semester or even…
Essays286 words
There is a lot of discussion about zoos and whether they are necessary in the system of contemporary school education for children to be able to have a closer look at the life of wild animals. Some people consider zoos to be a good educational tool, as they give children a possibility to see an…
Essays162 words
The world has gone through a lot of technological advancements in the last hundred years. Scientists have even managed to construct an air vehicle and successfully ride it. The invention of the computer was another important landmark in the human history. The Internet has come along and radically changed the methods of human communication. Scientists…
Essays303 words
The freedom to choose is one of the most basic needs of man. Without the freedom of thought, the freedom of expression and the freedom of choice, man cannot function in the way he is designed to be. A government that rules over a nation, therefore, has to provide its citizens with the freedom to…
Essays274 words
Nowadays more and more animals become involved in scientific researches. There is a great number of points of view concerning this notion. Some people are against the use of animals in the science and some of them find it quite appropriate. Some people agree that it is highly important to use animals for scientific progress,…