Essays291 words
With the way foreign aid for poor countries is becoming more and more popular, you may ask why do donor countries render assistance? Are the reasons related only to the humanitarian motives? Or maybe there are certain benefits for “the generous” too? Obviously there are. There is a whole bunch of economical reasons that are…
Essays301 words
Let us recall what long distance relationships were like in the past – let’s say, two hundred years ago. She writes a long letter to her lover, sprays some perfume on it, then sends it and waits for long days to hear back from him. He spends weeks or even months waiting for any news…
Essays280 words
There are a lot of questions humankind is searching an answer to for many years, but still with no results. “How come someone is rich and someone is poor?” is one of them. There can be a general explanation for this, when it comes to people – someone works harder, others have a better background,…
Essays287 words
If you have at least once visited Egypt, you definitely have a picture with Pyramids on a background. Everyone who went to Italy should imagine oneself holding the tower of Pisa. But how many of them can say even few words about the history of those places? Tourism is becoming more and more popular each…
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Essays281 words
Did you know that there are four branches of power, and not three, like most of us think? We all know legislative, executive and judicial branches. They seem to create perfect mechanism of democratic state: legislative power formulates rules, executive branch implements them in reality and judicial makes sure everybody follows them. But doesn’t it…
Essays301 words
July, 3d, 1863 I have not slept today at all. The wounded are brought every minute and I now have a feeling that this battle will never end. I suppose I must be tired, but after having seen so much death, I can hardly feel anything. I know I must save people’s lives and this…
Essays268 words
Considering my high school experience, I come to the conclusion that it has been one of the most interesting and fruitful periods of my life so far. If I were to give advice to perspective high school students, I would summarize all my ideas to three principles. First and foremost, be socially active. Your high…
Essays271 words
Three years ago I successfully passed my driving test and bought my first car. In two month on a winter day I was driving my car when I saw a friend of mine waiting for the bus. The weather was so nasty I stopped and offered him a lift. He got into the car and…
Essays309 words
Unlike most of my friends, who enjoyed the stability of living in respectable suburbs, I spent my teenage years on the move. My parents traveled a lot on business, being a choreographer and a doctor with a famous theatrical ballet company, and I had to face the choice of either traveling with them, or living…
Essays310 words
Several years ago I took up yoga as a hobby. My fascination with this fitness system gradually evoked my interest not only in the physical exercises, but also in certain spiritual practices and led to the fact that gradually I acquired a number of Buddhist friends and constant rows with my mother. She, being a…