Essays292 words
It is natural tendency for human beings to place the unreachable Eden somewhere in the vague past, when everything had been better: trees greener, sky bluer, people more kind, food tastier, and children politer than they are now. This can be understood in two ways: either the situation in this world really slowly, yet distinctly,…
Essays276 words
A “throw-away society” is a term with highly negative evaluative connotation that means the same as the more neutral “consumer society”. Both terms, however, in the course of time acquired that negative tinge which everybody is supposed to express when pronouncing them; it is fashionable to denounce our society for being a consumer society rather…
Essays302 words
The answer to this question could have been downright “no”, but there are, however, a number of nuances that make this issue a rather controversial one. On the one hand, there are people who, while being good or excellent students, are often confused and frightened by the prospect of placing all their knowledge of the…
Essays299 words
It is a copy-book maxim that the state exists in order to protect its citizens and its law enforcement subdivision deals with the issue of protecting them from inner dangers, i.e. criminals that may harm them or their property. The methods, which can be used by police, however, are much more controversial issue.
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Essays302 words
It is, of course, hard to tell for sure, but the density of similar hysterias in the last years makes me believe that this one will go just like all the other ones. Radiation from the computer screen, atypical pneumonia, bird flu, Apocalypse-2012 (which replaced the one predicted in 2009, 1999, 2000 and virtually any…
Essays292 words
It does not belong to widely known information that the first ban on tobacco smoking was imposed in Nazi Germany by Adolf Hitler, which already gives some clues on to where put it. Since then, tobacco smoking has been becoming a growingly unpopular habit and a very popular target for many political activists, leftish mostly….
Essays297 words
Modern society in its selection of what is acceptable and what is not exceeds all the boundaries of illogicality and inconsequence. It is alright to kill unborn children, who cannot defend themselves or even say their opinion about it, yet it is a dreadful crime for a person to smoke of his or hers free…
Essays298 words
The last years have seen an ever-increasing surge of indignation on the part of society in what concerns the so-called “child predators”, mostly in connection with the Internet. It is supposed to mean that the introduction of new technologies makes it easier for child predators to track their victims. But, to tell the truth, the…
Essays307 words
Every generation brings something new to the sum of knowledge humanity possesses, and the majority of people consider it to be alright; yet in every generation there is a considerable percentage of people who would rather not change or create anything and would be even more happy if they could prohibit others to do so…
Essays298 words
It is true to say that cheating on one’s spouse exists as long as there is marriage; and of course every generation is completely and utterly sure that the age it lives in is the worst in what concerns morals, human relationships and social life in general. Strangely enough, but people seem to like complaining…