Essays292 words
It is natural tendency for human beings to place the unreachable Eden somewhere in the vague past, when everything had been better: trees greener, sky bluer, people more kind, food tastier, and children politer than they are now. This can be understood in two ways: either the situation in this world really slowly, yet distinctly,…
Essays276 words
A “throw-away society” is a term with highly negative evaluative connotation that means the same as the more neutral “consumer society”. Both terms, however, in the course of time acquired that negative tinge which everybody is supposed to express when pronouncing them; it is fashionable to denounce our society for being a consumer society rather…
Essays297 words
Modern society in its selection of what is acceptable and what is not exceeds all the boundaries of illogicality and inconsequence. It is alright to kill unborn children, who cannot defend themselves or even say their opinion about it, yet it is a dreadful crime for a person to smoke of his or hers free…
Essays285 words
As You Like It is a play by William Shakespeare, which belongs to once popular genre of a pastoral comedy and was based upon a prose romance Rosalynde by Thomas Lodge. The plot describes the adventures of main heroine Rosalind, who, being oppressed by her uncle, tries to find safety in the Forest of Arden,…
Essays277 words
The concept of wealth can mean different things to different people. For some people, it is having a nice home to live in, a comfortable car to drive around town, a sufficient bank balance to meet all expenses, and more than enough money to see through life after retirement. For others, it is living in…
Essays280 words
Sooner or later everyone wants to find an answer what he or she lives for. The majority of us is trying to understand the meaning of human life. During thousands of years the mankind tried to answer the question, what the meaning of life is and what life itself is – pleasure or suffering.