Reports887 words
The problem of obesity is still a prevalent one in the American society. It is often looked at from the perspective of meeting the beauty standards, standing up to ‘fat shaming’, or fighting for the condition of your health. The subject gets even more ‘touchy’ when ethical questions are stirred up pertaining to medical issues…
Essays871 words
Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a disease characterized by disturbance of blood supply to the heart due to narrowing and occlusion of coronary artery with atherosclerotic plaques. As a result of progression of atherosclerosis vascular lumen is gradually decreased, and as a result, blood flow to the heart is slowed down, whereby the myocardium (heart…
Reviews623 words
The articles chosen tend to be more informative in illustrating the humanistic theories and the biological theories. The articles are more scholarly and add knowledge in comprehending and being able to apply the different ideologies concerning the comparison of the theories and application in the real life situation.