Research Papers294 words
Human being is built in such a way that he or she continuously analyzes his feelings, emotions and reactions to external factors. With this statement in mind, we could conclude that all the individuals are to some extent psychologists of their own mind. No one can affect our behaviour and mental processes, but our own…
Research Papers271 words
This research paper will focus on the analysis and comparison of the education level and effectiveness of particular educational systems on the college level. The scale of the analysis is based on comparison of college education systems in the following countries: UK, USA and Germany.
Term Papers289 words
The notion of an archetype is rather complicated and has multiple layers, since it is widely used in many spheres of modern psychology and culture. The definition of the term has undergone several changes in the course of the cultural evolution. Within the frames of the current essay, it is possible to define an archetype…
Essays297 words
The reason why the system of conscription (or “draft”, as it is commonly referred to in the United States) is inferior to that of volunteer or professional army is simply an economical one. It is the old and irrevocable law of economics, stating that the less you have to pay for something, the less you…
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Research Papers281 words
The purpose of this research paper is to analyze on practical examination and observation the behavioural patterns of children in a situation, which is unusual for them, and find a parallel with the adult action lines in the same circumstances. Situations will be simulated, but intend to repeat and reflect real life examples.
Research Papers281 words
The world of John Donne is the world of love, not limited by the single variety of feeling and unchanging picture of love. When we talk about the love poetry of John Donne, we recall his poems from Songs and Sonnets, full of emotions and attitudes. What makes Donne’s poems a masterpiece? Probably, the secret…
Research Papers281 words
Media is a science that falls into the scope of the publicity and advertisement. Main objective of this science is to identify the main sources and ways of attracting target audience to a particular product. When we walk in the city and find ourselves diving into the colourful banners on the streets or listening short…
Research Papers271 words
When we think about pornography, we generally imagine the movies that are extremely explicit in the scenes of sexual character. Another side of pornography one can think of is the magazines like Playboy and Hustler. Pornography, however, is much wider and can be evidenced in the art, such as paintings, photos and sculptures dating centuries…
Thesis304 words
Human population of our planet has been facing natural hazards for as long as it existed. Numerous events have caused loss of millions of lives and significant destructions. On the one hand, natural hazard is a great threat to the human communities all over the world. On the other side, however, these events make us…
Essays306 words
When we hear the word “harassment”, we usually get the image of unwanted actions of an employer towards an employee, or a senior colleague towards an inferior one, usually male-on-female. There is, however, the whole layer of the problem that takes place in various educational institutions and has a somewhat different nature.