Essays290 words
Teens today are under tremendous pressure from all sides. On one side, there is pressure at school to perform well in their academics. As they go higher up the classes, subjects become more difficult and they need to spend more and more time studying to get good grades. On the other side, they have peer…
Essays277 words
The best day of my life was when I found out that I was not god. This might of course need some explanation on my part, but once you understand what I mean, you would get my drift. I grew up as a child with a lot of self-confidence. I was alone most of the…
Essays322 words
All of us are born in a family, which lives in a certain country at a specific point of time. Our outlook and perspective in life are largely shaped by the environment, in which we live. The inputs we have in our life would determine what kind of people we grow up to become. What…
Essays307 words
War is, first of all, a behavior pattern that means a definite state of organized conflict between two or more social entities. The main reason for such a conflict is an attempt to be on top of hierarchy either psychological or material. Aspect of domination is basic for all wars throughout history. But all over…
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Essays350 words
Father’s Role in Child’s Upbringing It was always well-known that father is an important and very influential person for everyone, although in the past his role was often underestimated. Why it was so? Why has this situation changed? I will explain my point of view. The standpoint that father is not so important for a…
Essays293 words
When I was fourteen, my family moved house. Although the new home was much bigger, more convenient and my own room was twice the size of the old one, I was extremely unhappy. All my friends appeared to be miles away from me and the atmosphere in my new school seemed quite hostile. Studying well…
Essays311 words
As any other foreign culture, the American one differs from the environment I am used to at home. First of all, I’d like to mention I’d never shared my space before, even though I understand it is my personal problem. At the dormitory we live in, this problem is easily solved by giving students a…
Essays302 words
Friends have already become an integral part of our everyday life and we just take it as a matter of course. But nevertheless, who can be a friend? Someone who always gives you a helping hand just when you need it, someone you know very well and can fully trust to. Very easy definition, don’t…
Essays356 words
Effects of Divorce Upon Children When people say that divorce is one of the most difficult realities for children, I agree with them, as I was one of such kids. But still, I think that it is not reasonable to continue relationships with a person whom you don’t love anymore, or even hate only because…
Research Papers3352 words
Abstract Irrespective of time, location, and whether, Global Position System provides unparalleled range of services to commercial military and consumer applications. Majority of these services enables airborne, land, and sea users to know their exact velocity, location, and time whenever and wherever on Earth. The development and capabilities of the GPS technology have rendered obsolete…