Psychologist Robert Hunter once said: “If you don’t think gambling is a serious problem for society, consider that no alcoholic ever drank away four generations of money in a weekend – which I know that gamblers can and do.” Gambling should definitely be considered as a top-notch problem in our society, which can lead many gaming addicted people to financial, marital, legal, emotional difficulties and even to self-destruction.
Researching this problem is a very interesting task, as you can learn many reasons why people subject themselves to this behavior and what are the main methods to cure gambling. We will now consider some of such points.
- Gaming is a very fun and exiting action and people just want to relax.
- Financial problems and the thrill of “easy money”.
- Trying to treat own psychological distress and emotional pain.
- Growing heated progressively and complete lack of ability to stop, especially after a big win.
- A desire to fill a void in loneliness, boredom, social life, empty-nest syndrome and job dissatisfaction.
- A major change in lifestyle, self-care and family support.
- A strong desire of a player to stop this detrimental activity.
- Self-help groups and complete abstinence from gambling.
- Counseling, including cognitive behavioral therapy.
- Step-based programs of 12 steps, which provide self-help peer support on gaming issues.
- Medication and ambulatory treatment.
Of course, there are much more interesting matters, on which you can focus in your research work. For example, you can write about the main symptoms of gambling addiction and the major phases of it, or what people are under the highest risk to become addicted, etc. Make your choice and go ahead to write the best research paper, which surely will cure every one of your gambling-addicted readers.